Unlocking the new LinkedIn Algorithm

LinkedIn recently hit 1 billion members. The vast user base can sometimes feel like a jungle, making it seem impossible to stand out. But fear not, this professional networking platform has become dedicated to refining its user experience. The platform recently shared new insights into its latest updates, which promise to shape how users interact, engage, and network on LinkedIn. In this blog post, we'll delve into the details of these updates and talk about how you can leverage them to empower your professional journey on LinkedIn:

Spotlighting Experts

LinkedIn is rolling out the red carpet for thought leaders. The algorithm is now playing matchmaker (move over Hinge) and pairing your content with the right audience. When folks in your niche engage with your posts, LinkedIn notices and spreads your word to even more people.

Tips to make it work:

  • Create content that either challenges the status quo, shares precious insights, or offers practical tips.

  • Capture users’ attention with thoughtful questions or catchy headlines (but without click-baiting!) that inspire readers to see more of your insights. Remember to back up those hot takes so people continue to value your opinions. Start discussions with meaningful comments – early engagement is your ticket to visibility!

Where Humanity Meets Professionalism

When the pandemic hit, LinkedIn saw a surge of “Facebook-style” posts that began to merge the professional side of the platform with more personal content, like selfies and political opinions. This was mainly because it was the first time we saw our work and home lives merge. This allowed viral, engaging posts from other platforms to seep in, steering LinkedIn in a more social direction and away from its professional roots. 

Now the LinkedIn algorithm is trying to correct this by prioritizing work-geared content but still keeping content engaging – think less “resumé dump” and more professional life stories.

Tips to make it work:

  • Keep content aligned with industry and professional values.

  • Share stories that bridge the gap between your professional and personal sides to create a connection with your audience.

  • Sprinkle in relatable anecdotes and real-life scenarios to keep content authentic and engaging.

It’s All About Connections

LinkedIn has suggested that people crave content from folks they already know. As you make more connections on and offline, you will increase the number of people who genuinely engage with you and your content. We’re often very interested when we see our close colleagues post a new professional piece, versus the people you added who you don’t really know. So, how do you win hearts and minds on LinkedIn? By focusing on building connections and being true to you!

Tips to make it work:

  • Make friends – offline and online – and let them into your LinkedIn circle.

  • Share content that matters to your connections and adds value to their network.

  • Just like making friends in the sandbox, be yourself. Let your personality shine while maintaining professionalism.

Speak Up!

These days LinkedIn algorithm is all about genuine opinions, fresh articles, and thought-provoking insights. No one wants to read recycled content from your other social channels again. Consider this your professional playground for authentic conversations and knowledge sharing. Creating for the platform specifically will help you gain an audience and keep them excited about what you have to say.

Tips to make it work:

  • Share your unique perspective on industry topics and join relevant discussions.

  • Create original content that sparks engaging conversations and offers fresh insights.

  • Dive head first into purposeful discussions within your network to show your expertise.

Beyond the Algorithm: Winning on LinkedIn 

Now that you're in the know about the latest algorithm updates, let's top it off with some pro tips to get a gold star on the platform:

  • Spice things up with diverse content formats, like videos, carousels, and interactive content to captivate a wider audience.

  • Post when your target audience is most active – LinkedIn’s scheduling feature is your best friend. Make sure to be there to engage during the crucial first hour after posting.

  • Don’t shy away from hashtags; mix popular ones with niche-specific tags (you can use up to 30 per post - but don’t get nuts!) to boost your content’s discoverability.

  • Keep a close eye on your LinkedIn Analytics. These are your secret weapon for fine-tuning your strategy based on metrics like reach, engagement and click-through rate.

  • Polish your profile with a professional photo, an intriguing headline, and a captivating summary. Expand your network by connecting with colleagues and industry leaders.

  • Engage authentically with your network by commenting on posts, initiating conversations, and establishing yourself as a leader in your field.

By focusing on top-notch content, maintaining professionalism, nurturing authentic connections and embracing these savvy strategies, you can be on your way to more than just your next incredible job offer. The more value you bring to the platform, the more fulfilling your time there will be.


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